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A form is a web page designed to enter and display data. You can place fields (associated with attributes), static text, and visual elements on the form.
The list of forms is available for the record template, account template, role template, and organizational unit template.
In the process template, the form list is not available, and the forms are created and configured using the process diagram element properties.
Open a record template, account template, role template, or organizational unit template.
Go to the Forms tab.
The list of forms in the template opens.
Perform the following operations:
Select — to choose a form, select a checkbox in the first column.
Open — double-click a form row to configure the existing form.
Create — configure a new form.
Delete — select a form and click Delete. Confirm the form deletion.
Set as default — select a form and click Default to display the form by default when opening template records.
Search — click and enter keywords in the Search field. The rows containing the keywords will appear.
Use the form designer to configure its layout, properties, and elements.
Open the template's form list.
Click Create or double-click a form in the list.
The form designer appears with the following items: (1) Elements pane — drag the elements from the pane to the form: attributes, buttons, embedded forms, and visual elements. You can also edit and create elements using the elements pane. (2) Form layout — sets the form appearance. (3) Properties pane — view and configure the selected element properties. (4) Buttons:
Save — save the form.
Clear — remove all elements from the form layout.
Clone — create a form duplicate.
To set the form properties, click an empty layout area and configure the properties using the properties pane:
Display name — a title that appears in the form heading when viewing template records.
System name — a unique name used to identify the form in scripts, expressions, and scenarios.
Is default — select this checkbox to display the form by default when opening template records.
Public — select this type to make the form accessible for viewing from the form selection dropdown next to the form title.
Internal — select this type to make the form visible only if it is embedded in another form, set as a record form, or opened via a direct URL (e.g., for process start, record creation, or dialogues).
To set a form element properties, select it in the layout and configure the properties in the properties pane.
Save the form.
If needed, configure the form rules.
You can place the following elements on the form from the elements pane:
Area — contains all other form elements. Place any elements in an area. The form must have at least one area. There can be several areas on a form.
Tabs — arrange form elements on several tabs.
Columns — arrange elements in several columns.
Static text — displays arbitrary text with HTML formatting.
Attribute field — drag an attribute to the form layout to create a field associated with the attribute. Field properties correspond to the associated attribute type.
Embedded form — drag another form to the form layout to embed it into the current form.
Button group — combines buttons into a dropdown.
Button separator — visually separates buttons within button areas.
A button area is provided for each form and area. Place any buttons, button groups, or button separators in the button areas and not anywhere else on the form.
In the elements pane:
To create an attribute in the current template, hover over the Attributes heading, or…
To create an attribute in the corresponding template, hover over the template name in the element list.
Click the Add Attribute button that appears.
The attribute properties window appears.
Configure and save the attribute.
In the elements pane, hover over the Buttons heading.
Click the Add button button that appears.
The button designer appears.
Configure and save the button.
Hover the mouse pointer over an attribute, button, or form name in the elements pane.
Click the Edit attribute, Edit button, or Edit form button that appears.
The attribute properties window, button designer, or form designer appears.
Configure and save the element.
In the form designer, click Clone.
In the form cloning window, enter the form name and system name.
Save the cloned form.
The new form opens in the form designer.
In the form designer, click the selector button next to the form title.
Select Form rules from the dropdown.
The form rule designer opens.
Edit the form rules.
Save the form rules.
Configure template — go to the template Properties page.
Relations — view a list of application objects that use the form.
Click to search for elements.
Click to filter the element list by element type.